New Extreme
This event's difficulty is
This event will not be a faceroll. You will not get carried if you are not good enough. Read through and make sure you have met all the requirements listed here, otherwise you will waste other people's time with countless wipes.
Signing up
Signups are mandatory for this event. Signup sheet can be found at the bottom of this page. Make sure you read all the requirements carefully and make sure you that you have met them.
If you entered multiple jobs, make sure you met the requirements for every job. If you don't, don't enter those jobs.
Requirements to Join
Please make sure that you met the requirements before the start of the event. Please don't make people wait as you run around trying to unlock everything.
Unlock the following duty under Raid Finder
- The Minstrel's Ballad: Spheren's Burden
Level 100 required to unlock.
- Item level 710 minimum
- Item level 720 recommended
- Clear the Stone, Sky, Sea for the fight on every job you signup with
- Available for the full 3 hours (only toilet/coffee breaks)
Make sure you unlock everything before the start of the event!
There are also hard time requirements for this event. Make sure you are available and present from the start time until the end. Do not come late and do not leave early. Do not go off in the middle to eat for 30 minutes. There can be 5-minute coffee/toilet breaks but not much more than that.
Please don't be late, please don't leave early
This event has a running time of 3 hours.
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Sat, 15 Feb 2025 19:00:00 GMT
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